Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thank You

Thank you to ALL my friends for everything you've done for me during this year.
I am grateful to all for all the little things that you do that may seem insignificant but they mean a lot to me.
the time you called, texted, messaged, facebooked or emailed me just to say "hello nichole how are you doing?"
the time you shared a smile with me
the time you spent hours on the phone sharing your thoughts, your emotions, your experiences with me,
the time you shared a hug with me,
the time you shared a joke with me
the time you took out of your busy schedule to have lunch, dinner or coffee with me
the time you invited me to a movie (even if i couldnt make it, it shows you were thinking of me)
the time you encouraged me
the time you motivated me
the time you inspired me
and all the other things you did for me that i dont have space to write.