Monday, June 22, 2020

When Friends Get Jealous

Dear friends, don’t get jealous of people when they start to move ahead in life. If things are not working out for you, learn some new skills. If you are 30 yrs old and older, you are from my generation where you learned that if you study hard and get a degree life is set for you. Unfortunately modern times and CoVid-19 have shown us this is not true. Many of us have to learn new skills to survive in these new times. Don’t give up on your degree just yet, how about you find creative ways to  use your degree that your parents sold their house and land and the cow 🐄 and two goats 🐐 🐐 for you to get and apply your knowledge to the new unique situations that 2020 has thrown our way. Sometimes you have to swallow pride and be willing to try something new...

Friday, June 5, 2020

Black Lives Matter

I have lost a very close friend because of what I post on Facebook. Unfortunately that friend will never understand my struggles and will never understand unless that friend walks in my shoes. Sorry to see you go dear friend. Hope one day you will understand. I have to keep posting about racial injustice because that has been my reality. Facebook is a free platform to reach the world and so I have to use it to educate as many people as possible. If one person learns something new from my Facebook page, my mission is accomplished.

Monday, August 26, 2019

True Love

I saw this beautiful picture on Instagram so I had to share it! I still believe in true love, marriage and happily ever after! The reason I do is because for a part of my life shortly after my mother’s death, I was raised by a strong black couple, a Pastor and his wife who displayed true love in every single aspect of their lives. So I believe there ARE good black men and since I have witnessed true love first hand, I know how a man who loves his wife treats her and so I have high expectations and standards and I will settle for nothing less. AND I know a REAL MAN knows how to treat his wife like a QUEEN so if I am in a relationship and that type of LOVE and RESPECT is not there, it’s time for me to GO!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Steven Covey died at 79

My condolences to the family of Stephen Covey. I read  the 

"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"  and it 

changed my whole perspective on how I view life. He was

truly a remarkable individual and  we are grateful for his 

contribution to shaping the minds of people all over the


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Meeting Family on Facebook

If someone else had told me I would meet most of my family on facebook I would have laughed them to scorn. But it is just amazing how I keep meeting new family on facebook! The amazing thing is my family features are so strong it is just hard to deny the resemblance. And I keep having friend requests from long lost cousins who look just like me! Amazing! My father spent most of my childhood hiding me from my mom's family and from his own family. Why? I dont know. Facebook really brings the world together. Facebook also brings all the stuff your parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandaunts, granduncles were doing in the light! No longer do you have to wait for the next funeral to meet long lost cousins. Hopefully you wont find out that the partner you were planning to marry (because both of you had soooo much in common...) is really your long lost cousin! And hopefully you dont find this out at your wedding ! ( wedding turns into your nightmare when family from groom's side and bride's side start saying Hello cousin so and so! Hello Uncle! Hello Aunty!) Anyway, whatever the critics may say, facebook is amazing. (This coming for someone who used to be afraid of facebook). More on this to come! Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's time to take a break when...

It's time to take a break recognize bacteria faster than your friends...even in daylight..

Friday, July 8, 2011

Some of the things i take for granted

I was listening to this radio program where they were talking about these Sudanese mothers fleeing their homes and having to cross the desert, some walking across the desert for 18 days or more, mothers forced to leave their kids behind in the desert because the kids are too weak to continue the journey, can you imagine being a mother and having to choose which kid to leave behind in the desert because you are weak also and cant carry all of them, and in order to save the others you have to leave one makes me think about the things i take for freedom, and food to eat, and a place to live...and freedom